Sculptures by DADAA Artist Jim, 2024, clay and glaze.
DADAA Midland artists Jasmine, Rhonda, Catherine, Karen, Katelyn, Jack, Sean, Marie, Jim, Ben, Emma and Harvey expand their ceramic practice under the guidance of professional artists. They are part of a collaborative clay project that connects into broader workshops being facilitated across the City of Swan through the Re-Connection: A Multigenerational Art Project through Community Voices project.
For nearly 30 years, DADAA has been at the forefront of disability arts in Western Australia. From arts mentoring and workshops, through to collaborating with disadvantaged communities on large scale projects, providing access to arts and culture for people with disability is at the heart of everything DADAA does.
DADAA Midland offers a year-round program of workshops, exhibitions, mentorships, and community outings for artists with disability. Workshops are run from our main studio, as well as at Ellenbrook, Hamersley, and Midland Junction Arts Centre.
Previous image: Emma, Hanging clay pot, 2024, clay and glaze. Image courtesy of the artist.