This annual environmental art project invites primary school aged children from the City of Swan to research and promote positive environmental messages in our community, whilst providing creative opportunities for young artists. This year’s theme is Caring for Country.
It is important for children to actively connect with and care for, the place in which they live, learn and play. Doing so involves respectfully exploring and understanding First Nations perspectives, in particular, the Whadjuk people of Noongar boodja. Learning about Noongar culture provides positive opportunities for children to become socially and environmentally responsible citizens.
This project aims to investigate Noongar practices of sustainability and how they may help to address some of today’s largest environmental concerns such as climate change, bushfires and drought. By building awareness of sustainable land management students can learn how to play their own role in positively Caring for Country.
We were thrilled to receive over 600 fantastic entries from nine schools across the City of Swan this year, with Moorditj Noongar Community College, Helena River Steiner School, Guildford Primary School, Malvern Springs Primary School, Anne Hamersley Primary School, Gidgegannup Primary School, Caversham Valley Primary School, Aveley Primary School, and Swan View Primary School taking part, as well as a number of independent entries.
View each groups entries by clicking the links below
Congratulations to the ten winning entries below which have been transformed into banners for display in the streets of Midland (Old Great Northern Highway), Guildford (Meadow and James Streets) and Gidgegannup (Toodyay Road) from Saturday 30 October.
In this video Carol talks about her artwork and what Country means to her.
In this video Carol talks about what Caring for Country means and Indigenous practices of sustainability.
Carol demonstrates a quick design that references information she has shared with us about Caring for Country.